Marie Zingsheim
Research topics
  • In-field biodiversity, ecological potential of agro-robotics, quantification of competitive effects of weeds, camera-based insect monitoring on weeds.
I am interested in how the potential of new agricultural technologies, such as field robots, can be exploited to minimize the trade-off between biodiversity conservation and agricultural productivity. Furthermore, I am interested in methods of (semi-)automated insect monitoring.
Selected publications

Zingsheim ML, Döring TF (2022) Required input information for sustainable weed management strategies enabled by autonomous in-field intervention technology. In: “Weed Science In a Climate of Change” – The 8th International Weed Science Congress, Abstract Book. 4 – 9 December 2022. Bangkok, Thailand

Marie Zingsheim


Auf dem Hügel 14

53121 Bonn

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