Agroecology & Organic Farming
INRES - Institute of Crop Science and Resource conservation
Work in the field
Wheat pea intercropping
in einem On-Farm-Versuch.
Agroecology & Organic Farming
Work in the field
Wheat pea intercropping


EU project: IntercropValues

EU funded project on intercropping, called IntercropValues.

We are involved in a new EU funded project on intercropping, called IntercropValues. This short video explains some of our field experiments and how it is linked to our previous research activities in the project PhenoRob.

Publication - 'What weeding robots need to know about ecology?'

In weed control the aims of securing crop productivity and protecting biodiversity are often difficult to reconcile. Currently, the development of autonomous in-field intervention technology, such as field robots, is creating new potential for minimizing trade-offs between these two aims.

Publication 'Biological pest control'

What principles should apply to the design of agroecosystems?

Presentation at the 25th LWK-NRW Potato Day

'Cover crops and roots' presentation by Roman Kemper, AOL.

Weed control in medicinal and aromatic plants

Brochure 'Mechanical weed control in medicinal and aromatic plants medicinal and aromatic plants. Key figures and methods for practice' is now available.

Any questions?

We are happy to provide individual advice.


Flugtunnel zur Bestäuberkontrolle
Flugtunnel zur Bestäuberkontrolle © Volker Lahnert

AMOBILA - pollination research on medicinal plants

AMOBILA is focussing on how yields in the cultivation of speciality crops can be increased through the use and promotion of certain flower visitors and how biodiversity can be promoted in agroecosystems.

Streifen mit Weizen-Erbsen-Mischkulturen neben Weizen-Reinsaaten in einem On-Farm-Versuch.
Streifen mit Weizen-Erbsen-Mischkulturen neben Weizen-Reinsaaten in einem On-Farm-Versuch. © Johannes Timaeus


The project develops methods for extended plant phenotyping and environmental typing services of the European research infrastructures.

Unterschiedlich diverse Feinleguminosenmischungen im Parzellenversuch am Standort Weeze im Juli 2022.
Unterschiedlich diverse Feinleguminosenmischungen im Parzellenversuch am Standort Weeze im Juli 2022. © Lauren Schmitz

D3INST - Developing a diagnostic tool for legume seed mixtures

The research project D3INST (Decentralised Diagnostic Diversification Tool) deals with strategies for the selection and optimisation of multifunctional mixtures of fine-grained legumes.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Döring


Opening hours

  • Monday - Thursday 9-15 Uhr
  • Friday 9-13 Uhr

Institute of Crops Science und Resource Conservation (INRES)
Agroecology and Organic Farming group


Auf dem Hügel 6

53121 Bonn

Alexandra Sollik


Auf dem Hügel 14

53121 Bonn

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